I love the outdoors; hiking, biking, surfing, and of course photographing outdoor weddings. As a Wedding Photographer in Temecula there are a lot of ways to minimize the negative impact on the environment. Since almost everyone owns a camera and computer these days I thought these tips might help someone else out, even if they aren’t a Temecula Wedding Photographer.
GREEN Tip #1 ~ Recycle your electronics! Best Buy has made this easier than ever, just bring in your unwanted electronics and drop them off with their Geek Squad. Other retailers charge a fee, but Best Buy is the only one right now (11/28/09) that doesn’t. Another great way I recycle old photo equipment is by selling or giving it away on Craigslist.
GREEN TIP #2 ~ When I grew up, back in the film days, after an eventful day of photos the roll was dropped off at the lab and doubles were ordered of every shot. Instead, you can go green by shooting digital and then proofing and sharing your photos on the computer. Proofing your photos on the computer first, before going to the lab, allows you to print only your favorites, and saves money, paper, and chemicals. Why print photos that will just be thrown away? As a wedding photographer I do not offer a proof book or 4x6 prints of every shot, instead I include a free online gallery where clients and their families can enjoy the photos and order the ones that they would like to display in their homes.
GREEN Tip #3 ~ Minimize the energy your computer uses. This one is easy, if your not using your computer then turn it off! You can program this to happen automatically in Windows pretty easily. Another way of going green is by purchasing efficient computers. For example, Western Digital the hard-drive manufacturer, is now selling smart hard-drives. What makes them smart is that the rate at which they are spinning spins faster or slower depending on the current use. So when they arent being used they slow down, but when they are they can speed up to 7200 rpm.
If you have other ideas of how to make Photography GREENER, Id love to hear it. As a Temecula Wedding Photographer I am always looking for more GREEN ideas, so leave a comment or write on my Facebook wall.
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